Monday, July 9, 2012

And the final cousin count = 48!
This will be my last post.  In a few hours I will begin my journey via train north to Roma.  I will stay at a hotel at the airport as I have a 6:20 a.m. flight tomorrow morning – Roma to Amsterdam to Minneapolis. 
I can’t believe my trip is almost over.  The last few days have been just as exciting as the others.  On Saturday there was another family festa at Cousin Antonio’s.  There were 4 musicians this time – so there was singing and dancing.  The food was fantastic -  complete with a beautiful homemade torta (cake).   Antonio sure knows how to throw a party!!

The musicians and Angela play while I show some of the cousins my family tree album (a work in progress).

Mariangela with a plate of bruschetta (it was fabulous)!!

Anna assisting as I cut the homemade torta

Dancing and singing made the night very special!

On Sunday many of the cousins attended an event for cousin Giuseppe.  He is an editor/writer and was introducing a new book.  There was a panel of his academic colleagues who spoke about the book along with Giuseppe.  I had absolutely no clue what was being discussed but was happy I could attend and be supportive along with the other family members.  There was a lovely buffet after the discussion.  It gave me a chance to say my goodbyes to many of the cousins. 
This trip gave me many wonderful memories and again solidified my wish and hope that I can live in Italy someday soon.  I feel at home here!  I was amazed on this trip at how much better I was able to speak and understand the language.  I had taken Italian lessons years ago but then started taking Italian classes in Minneapolis again the past few years and they have helped – I will definitely continue them. 
I hope you have enjoyed my blog.  It was fun sharing my experiences.  I look forward to seeing and talking with many of you once I am back home.  Until then……. Ciao and Arrivederci Italia!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing...I was so intrigued by it all. I would love to see your photos some time. SAfe travels back to the states!
