Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cousin Count = 43
Yesterday I was a tourist.  Cousin Antonio took Angela and me on a drive along the southern coast.  We drove from Marina di Casal Velino (just south of Acciaroli) to Maratea (far right lower corner).  I have included a map so you can see where we were. 

This drive made me just wonder in amazement why more Americans don’t come to Southern Italy.  The coastline is dotted with fantastic little villages and some pretty spectacular views.   Along the way we would stop, both by choice and sometimes not by choice.    Our stops by choice were to take pictures or look at cork trees along the way.  Italy produces 5.5% of the world's cork, third behind Portugal and Spain.  Our stops not by choice were due to a film crew producing a commercial for Ferrari – they had the road blocked for awhile and policed stopped traffic.  We ran into this both to/from Maratea.  Of course as we drove by filming, the Ferrari was covered so no chance of pictures – darn!
Our main destination was the Statue of Christ in Maratea. It sits high atop Monte San Biagio and is made from Carrara marble – a pretty spectacular (and very large) sculpture with amazing views.
Our drive there took quite a few hours so on our return we took the superstrada (highway) as we had a family gathering to attend that night.   Below are quite a few photos of the journey there. 

The town of Pisciotta

View of Cape Palinuro

Antonio getting me a souvenir sample of cork

The police stop us due to filming - Angela and Antonio (on the right) are picking oregano!!

Does everything in Italy require climing up a hill???

Spettacolare vista!!

Angela, Angelo and Me at the base of the statue - check out the toes to the right!

After our return which was quite late we quickly got organized and left for our dinner with a group of the cousins.  We would have dinner on the terrace of one of the old homes in San Bernadino.  This home originally was owned by Emilio Gentile, a brother of my grandfather.  Emilio’s grandson, Angelo, has renovated the home and uses it for family outings.  The food was provided by all the different family members and we drank Angelo’s homemade wine.  It was all spectacular!  Here are a few photos of the gathering!  Another great day that didn’t end till well after midnight!

Typcial Italian gathering - the women are in the kitchen!

...and I wonder why I talk with my hands - must be a Gentile trait - check out my two cousins in the center!

Bella Luna!

Just some of the 43 cousins - in this picture - 1 first cousin to my mom, 8 second cousins and 3 second cousins once removed


  1. Karla:
    Your trip looks absolutely awesome - I'm living vicariously thru you. Maybe one day I can go with you on a visit. Enjoy !!!!!!

  2. Amazing pics and story - enjoy the trip! Keith Waltrip
