Saturday, June 23, 2012

Buongiorno from Casalvelino Marina!  I made it hear safe and sound - after 2 plane rides and 3 train rides - but it is well worth the effort.  And with each change I was being slowly immersed back into the Italian culture and language.  Mamma Mia - even with more Italian lessons these past two years I find it challenging to understand and speak the language.  But I know in a day or two it will start to sink it.  It has to - no one in the south speaks much english.  I was met at the train station by 3 of my cousins.  I think I have told many of you I have close to 100 cousins here in southern Italy - I think I will keep count this year.  Mind you they are 2nd, 3rd and 4th cousins....but we are definitely family.  Carmela (my mom) still has at least 4 first cousins living.  I will most likely see at least three of them while I am here.  Those visits are very special to me as they remember hearing stories of my grandfather from their fathers, his brothers. 

Once at the house (more on that below) and settled in I visited with Angela and family for awhile, had dinner then called it a night. Oh, another cousin stopped by so that makes 4 in the first 2 hours! This morning I woke up and took my usual morning stroll along the strada (street) that runs along the sea.  I had to see what changes had been made since my last visit.  The town center (piazza) is undergoing renovation so it is a bit of a mess but I am sure it will be wonderful when completed.  Most of the same little stores and bars (not like ours) are still there.  And thank goodness my favorite Gelateria (for gelato) is still there - Isola Verde!!!

Casalvelino Marina is a little resort town.  It is usually very quiet but in the summer months it comes alive with Italian families coming to the sea for holiday.  As I walked along the sea this morning the families had already staked their claim to their part of the beach and the children were already swimming and playing football (soccer) in the sand.  It appears there will be some type of market today as vendors were just setting up on the walkway near the sea - will have to investigate that later today.  I must go  grocery shopping first. 

So the photo below is Angela's house (where I am staying).  This is the same place I stayed in December on 2009.  This structure is 500+ years old and used to be a barn on the bottom floor and living quarters on the upper floors. The heat from the animals would rise to warm the rest of the structure.  Now the first floor is one living unit (where I am) and a Rostacceria.  In the photo you can see the arch (main entrance) and the Rostacceria is on the left.  That is similar to our take out food.  Here you can buy calzones, pizzettes (little pizzas), and other "roasted" foods.  One of my favorties is roasted zucchini flowers - yum!!!  Ok so back to the house.  My living unit (2 rooms) is behind the big rubber tree in the photo.  Angela's house is the two yellow/white awnings.  There is another living unit on the left.  The top floor was a living unit at one time but now is closed.  The entire structure belongs to Angela's husband, Luigi.  It was his families.  In Italy no one sells their property - is usally stays in the family for ever.  So I am settled in and ready to begin my holiday.  I do know there will be a festival in Acquavella on July 2nd - Festa della Madonna.  I am sure there will be other fun and different experiences as well to blog about so check back frequently. Also, if you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will respond.  That's all for now.  Till later..... Ciao, Ciao!!

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