Wednesday, June 27, 2012

First of all the cousin count is up to 21. 
Monday and Tuesday has been a bit low key.  I did get another lesson in making Ragu (Bolognese sauce) but did not take a video.   I realized I may not want to give away the family cooking secrets!!  So you will have to visit me in Minneapolis or Italy (when I move here) and I will cook for you.
The days have been very relaxed.   I usually go for a walk in the morning before the sun gets too hot.  I have been checking out the new stores, in the town.  Monday night after dinner (at 10 p.m.) we drove to Acciaroli, another beautiful port village.  It is a very big spot for tourists, more so than Casalvelino Marina.  It amazes me at the number of people out walking at that time – such is the Italian lifestyle in the summer.  This frazione (village) has done a beautiful job of keeping the old architecture but adding to it.  We will return in the daytime and I will be able to take pictures – night time photos do not do it justice. 
Tuesday evening before dinner we visited Acquavella.  This is my grandfather’s home town and where I hope to retire some day.  We visited with 2 cousins (sisters), Palmina and Rosolina.  Both have very green thumbs.  I am always amazed at how things can grow in very small places and with very little fuss.  See the pictures below of the orange tree (very rare in Southern Italy), the lemon tree (very common in southern Italy) and a type of grape I have never seen.  It is a white table grape – not used for wine.  But the shape is so different from what we see – this is long and crescent shaped. 
Orange Tree

Very large lemon

Table grape


Cousins Rosolina and Palmina

Another reason for visiting Acquavella was to go to church.  The holiday for their patron saint day is approaching.    July 2nd will be “La Festa in onore di Maria SS. Delle Grazie” However, for one week prior there is a mass every evening.  We attended last evening with the cousins.  The church is small but it was standing room only – I estimate 150+ people packed the church.  This is a very important occasion to the town.  We will attend the procession on the 2nd as well as the festivities.  Below is a photo of the saint illuminated inside the church.   I apologize as it is not real clear.
Maria SS delle Grazie

We returned home after the service to eat dinner and then a walk around town and of course for some gelato!!  The perfect way to end the day!
Gelato - yum!!!

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