Thursday, June 28, 2012

Yesterday morning (Wednesday) was an early wakeup call – 6 a.m. as we would leave at 6:30.  We were going to go walking in San Bernadino.  San Bernadino is not really a city but is a zone or area up in the hills.  This is where the original Gentile land is and is still in the family today.  Typically land is not sold but kept in the family and given as a gift to the next generation.   This is one of those days that means a lot to me and truly takes me back to my heritage.  This land was worked by all the Gentile brothers, even my grandfather before he left for America.  Once the 4 brothers left for America the 2 remaining brothers then became the owners of the land and it has now been handed down to the next generations.  The land is split among many of the cousins.  They all know what parcel of land belongs to each one yet there is really no demarcation.  As we walk Angela points out what land belongs to what cousin. 
To get to this land is no easy task.  We take the main roads but then park off to the side of a side road and then begin the hike up hill – and I mean uphill.   Talk about a cardio workout – OMG!  We stopped along the way – numerous times as it takes about 10 - 15 minutes to get up the hill.  Cars could travel the road but it would not be easy – and we did prefer to walk.  It was a good way to burn off those calories from all the food and wine I have been eating.
Once up the hill we then literally start walking through the land and Angela points out the different houses on the land, the various types of plants along the way and the old stone wall.  This wall was built by all of the Gentile brothers and there are many sections of these walls throughout the land.  Look closely and you will see there is no mortar or cement between the rocks.   These walls were built by hand and still remain today.  They are beautiful structures.  We spent 3 hours walking the land and did visit with Palmina (cousin).  She has a country house on the land and tends to the many fruit trees, gardens of vegetables and feeds the animals (chickens and a pig).  I do remember visiting this house back in 2001 when she and her husband were younger and spent more time here.  Now she just does day visits but works very hard.  She mentions she will be making bread in the wood burning oven in the next few days and invites me to come and watch.  I am looking forward to that.  I also find out that our family festa will be held on July 4th!!  It will be in San Bernadino on the terrace of one of the older houses.  What a setting for a party!! 
The view as we walk up the hill

A view of the sea as we are about half way up the hill

A good visual of the steep slope

A section of the old wall

The wall along the road

The front of the Gentile house in San Bernadino

Rosemary grows wild - this plant could be 100+ years old

The green net is for harvesting the olives in the fall/winter - it will be rolled out on the ground.  Then with a long stick the branches are hit so the olives fall into the net.



  1. Karla, I'm enjoying every word and photo! What a wonderful way to share your journey with those of us who can only dream... Love, Sharron and Edgrrr

  2. Ciao Sharron,

    I am so glad you are enjoying my story. I love to share my passion for this culture and its people.


  3. I am thoroughly enjoying your adventures Karla! The likeness in appearance between you and your cousins is amazing! At one point I thought I was looking at your mom! Looking forward to more...

  4. Yes I know - it is quite amazing how much I look like the Italian family. I blend in and most people (non-family) assume I am from the area. It can be challenging when they begin to speak to me at a rapid pace. When we meet friends of the family they always comment on how I am definitely a "Gentile"!!
