Friday, June 29, 2012

Cousin count = 22
On Thursday morning we went to the local market in Ascea, the next village south along the sea.   The markets sell everything from clothing to kitchen/cooking items to food.  The market is small but I still love to walk through them and watch the people.   One of the cousins has a fruit/vegetable stand at the market.  We stop and buy some beans, eggplant, and peppers.   Check out the size of the red peppers in the picture.  Wouldn’t you love to have those in the U.S.?  I am always amazed at the variety of vegetables I see.  There are numerous types of eggplant, which I did not know.  The picture below shows 4 types.  Each one will be cooked different and they are not all used for eggplant parmigiana.  The excitement of the day – I finally found fusilli rods.  Fusilli is a type of pasta.  I learned how to make it from cousin Angelina in 2006 and I have made it a few times for dinner parties back home.    But you need a special metal rod to roll the fusilli.  I have been trying to find fusilli rods on the internet to no  avail.  Now I finally know why.  They are just made locally and by hand – there really is not much too them – see the photo below.    I bought three for 5 Euros – about $6.25.  Today we will go to the market in Casalvelino Marina.  It will be a much larger market due to the celebration of San Pietro and Paolo (Peter and Paul).  This day, June 29th used to be a public holiday up until 1976.  Now it is a normal day but there will be some special events such as the larger market.  I’m not sure what to expect but I am sure it will be fascinating and fun!!

Peperone (pepper)

Melanzana (eggplant)

Kitchen wares

Clothing vendors set up along the seaside

Fusilli rods!!!!!

Last evening was the big soccer match for the Euro Cup semi finals – Italy vs. Germany.  I was in Italy in 2006 when they won the World Cup so I had some idea of what to expect - the streets would be empty and all eyes on the TV.  Italy was not favored in this match.  However, Germany has never beaten Italy during any big match – so there was a glimmer of hope that Italy may be able to win.  And they did!!!  Italy won 2-1.   Check out Luigi very early in the action – his eyes are glued to that TV!  The fun part of European soccer matches is what happens after.  Everyone empties into the streets and the horn honking and flag waving begins.  Even though this was just the semi-finals this was a big deal.  I took a short video of the celebration as it passed by the house and through the town.  (see the link below)  The visuals are not that great due to darkness but the sound is fantastic!  The Italians are full of emotion for their team!!   The finals versus Spain are Sunday night.  The media is already quick to remind everyone that Spain and Italy played to a 1-1 tie in the first round of the tournament – this could be and will be exciting to watch. 

Italy's biggest fan - Luigi!

1 comment:

  1. Expecting some fusilli when you get back! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time. Love the blog.
