Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cousin count = 27
This morning was one of those mornings I just love.  It started out as a simple journey but it took a few twists by the time we were done.  The twists are nothing serious or earth shattering but exemplify why I love this part of Italy so much.  It isn’t about the “destination” but the “journey”.   This morning we would go to the cemetery (cimitero) so I could take some photos of photos.  All of the gravestones have a photo of the person.  This allows me to take photos of many family members who I have never met and who passed on many years ago.  Why do I want these photos?  I am working on the Gentile family tree and I need these photos for my project.     So Angela walks me through and I am able to collect 9 photos of family members I did not have. 
As we drove through the village we waved to Cousin Nicola as we passed the alimentari (grocery store). Nicola runs the town grocery store.  We tell him we will stop after our visit to the cemetery.  Upon returning we greet him but the store is busy this morning.  Many of the ladies of Acquavella are busy cooking for the festa on July 2nd.  We tell him we will stop again and we decide to take a walk through the village.  We walk for less than one minute and we run into Elviro, the husband of cousin Rosolina.  I had not seen him yet on this visit so he stops the car, parks it and gets out to greet me and visit.  That is what happens here – no one is in a hurry to get anywhere – they always take time to at least greet you.   He has come from the country and has fresh figs in his car.  He gives us some and we eat them right then and there.  As we talk we see his son’s house off in the distance.  I had met the son before but not his family so off we go to meet him and see his new house. 
Roberto and family have a beautiful new home.  The first level is more like a garage but it has a kitchen in it as well as a wood burning over for making bread, pizza and other food.   The younger generations continue the traditions and ways of life – making their own bread, wine, etc.  They have large gardens as most people in southern Italy and everyone shares with everyone else.  (Every day Luigi comes home for lunch with some food, either bread or vegetables, that his clients have given him as they have heard the Cugina Americana (American cousin) is visiting.)   So we finish our visit with Roberto and family and head back to see Nicola.  We spend some time visiting then we are off as we must stop at the grocery store near Angela’s house to do some shopping.  
This afternoon we will go with Cousin Antonio for a drive up into the mountains.  Not quite sure what this is all about but knowing Antonio it will be an adventure.
Bread as it is rising

More rising bread

The wood burning oven

Bottom compartment of the stove - this is where the wood goes.

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