Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hello Family and Friends,

Most of you know I leave for Italy tomorrow for my summer holiday.  I have not been back since my Christmas trip of 2009.   During that trip I kept everyone updated through e-mail.  This year I have decided to publish a blog while I am there.  E-mail limits what type/size of attachments I can send and many of you are not on Facebook so I am going to venture into the world of “blogging”.  I am hoping to not only post photos on the blog but small video clips as well.  So here is the website – check it out and then watch for posts from me.  I land in Rome Friday at noon and then begin the train rides south.  I arrive in Vallo della Lucania about 6:30 p.m. Italy time on Friday.

Till sometime on Saturday....


Acquavella looking west toward the sea!


  1. I look forward to following your travels as Italy is a top priority on my "bucket list." I am off to Greece in a month and love the idea of keeping a Blog!) Enjoy your time with family and friends!

  2. Thanks Jodene! This is my first attempt at "blogging". Will have to see how it goes. Have a wonderful time in Greece - I hear it is fantastic.
